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What Gap?

Having recently turned 55, I am ever aware of the cultural gap that stands between someone my age and a twenty something.

In a Saturday night service message I asked if anyone present had never heard of the beloved (by me) Waltons television show. I was stunned to learn that 30 to 40% of those in attendance had never heard of John Boy, Jim Bob, Marry Ellen, etc. It was then that I was reminded of two very important things;


No need for dramatic overhalls or reinventing the wheel, but if changes are necessary to get out the message, then make them. This doesn't just refer to the church as a body, the service and corporate gatherings, but it applies to us individually.  

The message of love is the foundation for our Christian experience. If you are younger, would you be willing to take a senior to breakfast (go ahead, ask one) and then change the means to get out the message.

a.) Pick them up in your car that has been washed and cleaned. LOL

b.) Take them to Denny's instead of that "cool" coffee house you hang out at.

c.) Speak their language.


The message that the Gospel speaks never, ever changes. It gives hope and help to whosoever will. It corrects, transforms and lovingly calls out to us.

As Steven Curtis Chapman says; "In the Gospel, we discover we are far worse off than we thought and far more loved than we ever dreamed."

Here's to the message that ignores any gap and welcomes any creativity that will carry it's beautiful sound.

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Reader Comments (3)

hard-working person, there is a similar path. The child is born and goes to school. The proud parents are excited because the child excels, gets fair to good grades, and is accepted into a college. The child graduates, maybe goes on to graduate school and then does exactly as programmed: looks for a safe, secure job or career. The child finds that job, maybe as a doctor or a lawyer, or joins the Army or works for the government. Generally, the child begins to make money, credit cards

January 28, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterfootlocker

They work harder, become better employees, even more dedicated. They go back to school to get more specialized skills so they can earn more money. Maybe they take a second job.

January 28, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterred soles shoes

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