An Exciting Year Already!

It has been a busy yet exciting year already! January was filled with planning and vision for the year which is always invigorating. We are so excited about the plans and purposes of God!
Then February was busy with wedding details for Brenden, our middle son's wedding. He and Serena had a small beautiful wedding right on the beach in Del Mar. It was a picture perfect day! Then we had a church reception and so appreciated all of the church family who were able to attend and celebrate with us. We are so happy to welcome our beautiful new daughter into our family. She is a blessing not only to Brenden, but to us as well! We know that God has wonderful things in store for them.
On March 13, we launched the Committed to the Cause campaign at our new campus. There was such an excitement being in our new building! We were blessed by the many pledges that were made and the faithful commitment of the families in our awesome church! I stand amazed as we step out in faith, seizing the opportunity that is before us and seeing the men and women of God rise up to meet the need. Thank you for being such generous people; people who live with the plans and purposes of God burning in your hearts. I believe that as we are committed together, each of us doing our part, God will supernaturally bring in that which is beyond us for the completion the project so that we can continue to reach our community with the goodness and love of God!
My wonderful husband, and our pastor, made it so clear in Sunday's message, "Now What?" We continue to be generous because God is generous. We pray, like a nagging cough, because the urge has come and God hears and answers prayer.
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