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What is it that motivates people?  We are so funny, in that motivation doesn’t automatically line up with value and importance.

I can be motivated to spend 10 minutes on something of zero consequence and 10 seconds on that which matters.

What is it that motivates you?  Three things that are motivating factors for most people: (with apologies to the well of John Maxwell, from whom this water was drawn and changed)

1) Significant Dissatisfaction:  Dissatisfied people are highly motivated people.  “Things can be even better” is their rallying cry.  Is your dissatisfaction breeding a critical spirit or positive change?

2) Clear Expectations:  Goals, expectations, and a path are factors that will jumpstart motivation.  Are you vague and uncertain or do you move with confidence and clarity?

3) Significant Contribution:  All of us want to do something larger than ourselves, to make an impact that will outlive and outlast our own purposes and lives.  Motivation to not only walk out a path, but to see the reality of an end, is a contribution I want to make.  Are you motivated beyond yourself?

On another note, I am excited that this coming Sunday at the 11:30am service, I have the privilege of ordaining my cousin into ministry.  He and his family have an important role in the kingdom, on the Rincon Indian Reservation.  See you this weekend!

Reader Comments (4)

Great post! Thanks Pastor.

December 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJason Mayo

Awesome post.

I think a strong motivator is also to not have to go live under a bridge because one hasn't been able to find work to support their family. We are motivated to stand in food lines, social service lines, go without common luxuries for years, while those around us avoid us because perhaps somehow we're not in the will of God or the "in" crowd. Our banner cry is not to look at man for salvation, but to man up, woman up, church up (don't drink up, shoot up, or belly up) LOOK UP! for our redeemer is drawing near!

December 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Gregory

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