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Awakened Sense of Destiny

Three weeks into Birthing Letters Of Greatness, I've found myself writing Belated Letters Of Greatness. Forgive my tardiness. On to this week...

God challenges my "settling" nature by continually calling for an awakened sense of divine destiny. 
What can be more tragic than to see people manifesting indifference, by the decisions they make and the roads they choose? Life can be long or short, filled with highs and lows, but it should not be monotonous or meaningless, especially if we are gripped by divine purpose.

My natural personality has been described by many as "less than exciting". While that characterization may hold some truth, when it comes to spiritual things I want to be the guy with the lampshade on my head, ever crossing people and economic limitations. Why shouldn't we "go for it"? We have the God of the universe as our "friend" and partner.

Lets not give in to indifference. Restlessness and boredom await, if we do. To quote Robin William's character in the movie "Hook": "To live, that is an adventure!" 

Reader Comments (3)

To live in the kingdom of heaven on this earth is a greater adventure.

December 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Farland

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