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Oxymoron. The Cross

I know it's not yet Easter month, but the Power of the Cross should be every believers passion, at all times. The actual visual of the cross can be unifying and polarizing. To quote the apostle Paul, "We preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to believers, foolishness to non-believers."

The cross, to many, is an oxymoron. Like "Civil war, crash landing, confirmed rumor, dim wit, doing nothing, easy labor, and oh yeah, I saw this at the grocery store; Natural Cheetos.

The Cross of Jesus Christ is an oxymoron if there ever was one. "Dying to Live."

The Cross of Jesus Christ isn't just about what we get out of sin and shame. It's also about what we get into -- An abundant, extreme extraordinary life.

I never tire of saying this; "Thank you for dying on the cross."

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    UGG Boots are incredibly properly recognized for getting the makers of high top quality footwear
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    Oak Valley Church - Tom's Blog - Oxymoron. The Cross

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