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My Chargers are out of the playoffs, the Lakers are showing their age, and the Padres are once again in rebuilding mode. So who do I root for now?

I have always found the word "root" somewhat strange, somewhat interesting. At the risk of sounding bored I looked up the word in Webster's and here is what I found:

Root. "an underlying support." "The attachment of one to something else." "To be rooted in something or someone."

I may not be able to root for my favorite teams, but I have found someone to root for... You.
Joyce and I are rooted in your finding God's perfect plan and will for your life. We are cheering for you with an underlying support that your dreams come true.
We are rooted in the belief that we are together for the purposes of God.

We are attached to Loving People to Life with you.

The Bible picture of "Rooting" is found in Hebrews. We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, rooting us on as they cheer from the grandstands of Heaven.

Are you rooting each other on? 

Reader Comments (4)


January 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJason Mayo

Don't give up on the Lakers yet, Pastor! =)

January 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJason Mayo


January 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKendra Lopez

Nice....Laker's will still get the three peat, no worries pops.

January 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBrenden

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