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The Secret Law of Attraction

In recent years a movement, of sorts, called "The Secret", espoused the doctrine of Attraction. With high profile people, led by Oprah Winfrey, singing it's praises, the followers aim was to attract success and successful people. Wealth, favor and it's like, were to be drawn to the devoted. 

Got me thinking about who is drawn or attracted to Jesus. While recently reading through the book of Matthew, I saw the real law of attraction.

In Matthew 2, when Jesus was born, men came to Him and said "Where is he..." In Matthew 4, Jesus said to two brothers, "...follow me...". Peter and Andrew did and I think you recognize their impact on the world. In Matthew 8, a leper, a paralyzed man, a man who was demon possessed and an educated scribe, all followed Jesus.

Throughout this book, scripture says "...The multitudes followed him."

Jesus attracted people from all walks of life and is still attracting them today through you and I. At least I hope we are available as tools of attraction to His love and Kingdom. Read Colossians 1:24-27. The secret is out. Mankind's hope, to be like Jesus, can be found as they are attracted to Him in you.

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