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Stick Out Your Neck

In last weeks blog we talked about Destiny. Destiny is one of those cultural hot button words, especially in the "church" world. Yet, it speaks to so much more than our "present spiritual culture." It speaks to the divine will and plan of God for our lives. It takes courage to pursue all God has for us. C.S. Lewis said, "Courage is not simply one of the virtues but a form of every virtue at the testing point which means at the point of highest mortality." What are you willing to risk for God? Hebrews chapter eleven's hall of Faith is filled with people who did extraordinary things for God at great risk and peril. Yet their faith in God put them in position to lead many others to the edge of their limitations, to tap into His plan.

It has been said, "Progress walks in single file behind a guy willing to stick his neck out." We are starting to look peculiar, lampshades and necks sticking out. A peculiar people indeed. A people with the courage to pursue their God given destiny. 

Merry Christmas!

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October 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertoutwatch

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