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Don't Panic

The New Year is upon us and provides opportunity to reflect on 2010 and either look at 2011 with excitement or panic.

"In Lead On, John Haggai tells the story of Mrs. Monroe in Darlington, Maryland. The mother of eight children, she came home one afternoon from the grocery store and noticed it was a bit quieter than usual.
She looked in the living room, and five of her darlings were sitting in a circle. She put down the groceries,walked over, and saw they were playing with five of the cutest skunks you can imagine.
She was instantly terrified, and she screamed, "Run children, run!" Each child grabbed a skunk and ran, in five different directions. Her screams so scared the children that each one squeezed his skunk!
It's always too soon to panic." 

Don't jump on the thought that this new year brings with it more financial and personal devastation. Scripture tells us we serve and unchanging God. 
Satan is like a fisherman who baits  his hook according to the appetite of the fish. Lets make sure our appetite is all things God and His will for our lives.

Reader Comments (2)

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Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of lightu boat replica

October 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertoutwatch

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