The Power of Resolution

Ooops, forgot to post this…so sorry!
This past weekend we shared about being at the point of no return; that place
This past weekend we shared about being at the point of no return; that place
where God requires that we walk out our faith; that place where there is no turning
back. As our church family knows, we have sold our existing campus and purchased
a new campus with six times the square footage. We now embark on an exciting
journey of doing every thing we can do, and then some, while believing God for
supernatural supply.
Scripture says, “…by wisdom a house is built…” Certainly, wisdom and faith,
Scripture says, “…by wisdom a house is built…” Certainly, wisdom and faith,
with a whole lot of labor, will see God’s provision on this vision’s journey.
A fellow by the name of Dag Hammarskjold said these enlightened words:
“When the morning’s freshness has been replaced by the weariness of midday,
when the leg muscles quiver under the strain, the climb seems endless and suddenly
nothing will go quite as you wished – it is then that you must not hesitate.”
Here’s to the power of resolution!
Reader Comments (1)
Pastor Tom, I have known you for 20+ years and throughout that time you have only spoken a words from God that you knew without fail were truly from our Savior! I say that to say this the new campus is already provided for, physically we may not see it yet but it's there and how great the Praise Report of Gods Faithfulness when it manifest!!! Last I need you to know without your support I am not sure I would have made it these last few years so I say with all sincerity THANK YOU for Loving me to LIFE, and Thank You to the Staff at OVFC. I LOVE YOU ALL so very Much! 2011 has GREAT things in-store for our Family, so as each day arrives my expectation increases. david