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I love the story of the great artist who was asked, "What's the best picture you have ever painted?" "The next one." he replied. Always hopeful, always expecting tomorrow to be greater than today.

Hope is a stabilizer. Hebrews call it an Anchor. Without an anchor, a boat is at the mercy of the sea, the conditions, the circumstances.

Without hope, we are prone to drifting. Our minds, which are the forerunners to our actions, will certainly wander aimlessly. Hope is a connector. One of the old Testament words for Hope is "Tivah" which means "a cord". It comes from a root word that means to "bind together by twisting". What this tells us is that Hope connects us with God's plan, to move us beyond drifting and into his stability and "plan", for our lives.

Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow.

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