Don't Panic

The New Year is upon us and provides opportunity to reflect on 2010 and either look at 2011 with excitement or panic...

The New Year is upon us and provides opportunity to reflect on 2010 and either look at 2011 with excitement or panic...
In last weeks blog we talked about Destiny. Destiny is one of those cultural hot button words, especially in the "church" world. Yet, it speaks to so much more than our "present spiritual culture." It speaks...
Three weeks into Birthing Letters Of Greatness, I've found myself writing Belated Letters Of Greatness. Forgive my tardiness. On to this week... God challenges my "settling" nature by continually calling for an awakened sense of divine destiny...
What is it that motivates people? We are so funny, in that motivation doesn’t automatically line up with value and importance. I can be motivated to spend 10 minutes on something of zero consequence and 10 seconds on that which matters...
Someone once said that BLOG stands for "BIRTHING LETTERS OF GREATNESS." ...Alright, I confess, I just made that up. What is it about committing to a weekly blog that makes me feel as if I have to write something consistently profound? If we are going to do this, me write, you read, then lets set some ground rules...